Sunday, October 2, 2011


Marsha Key Systems Inc is a corporation that began when my boss informed would be take overs to leave because, "It is her system."  And they had to leave.  Telecommunications was in a difficult arena during those days.  It was hard to increase the equipment because there just weren't very many residents in our rural areas.  So by and through diversity, we came up with ideas to pad the income while we made multi-million dollar improvements to our network.

NASA came on board and the weather balloon had to have specific equipment to read everything that this balloon would gather, as far as information.  They asked my boss to come up with a system that would relay this information as fast as they could gather it.  Thus the classified operation of information at light speed.  This would be called ISDN.  Named by us.

I had my sights on other situations and that was our United States Air Force which required more than NASA first required.  Therefore I invented the "Military Line."    Between the needs of both factors, it was not long before we designed a higher efficiency in telecommunications that would more than supply the needs for (1) Astronauts to communicate with our planet while they are in outer space; and (2) Provide Military Functioning (PMF) while they are in the surly bonds of space.

We all had a directive.  We each one had a project before us that had never been heard of before, never had been implemented, never been incorporated, and had never been launched.

What we had before us truly was the word "IMPOSSIBLE."

It was the team that Robert M. Harris, General Manager of ENMR Telephone Cooperative Inc had built.
This was the team that would work until it was done.

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